This school year I am a bit anxious as I prepare to head back to school. I will be switching grade levels. As a result, I’ve been reading a lot of amazing posts from my fellow colleagues, full of tips to help ease my teacher anxiety about the new school year. I’ve enjoyed so many of the posts, that I decided to share some of them with my own readers. I hope they help you calm any anxiety you may…
Back To School
So, you’ve set up your room and it looks fabulous. For more tips on making your classroom look fabulous click here. You’ve organized your classroom library, and you’re bulletin boards look…
GIVEAWAY DETAILS: I love taking part in giveaways. This week I am taking part in the $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card giveaway. The giveaways I participate in are always changing,…
Fall can be so much fun! There are many ways to celebrate this season with your class. I LOVE taking my class apple picking this time of year (and picking up…
It’s coming, your first week of school with your new class. What should you do? Set your rules, and set your procedures. Don’t begin teaching a unit, or delve into the…
Good teacher and parent communication is a must for a successful school year. There are so many ways to communicate today, which ones are the best to use for parent communication?…