Fun Ways to Teach Metaphors and Figurative Language

Fun Ways to Teach Metaphors and Figurative Language

Looking for fun ways to teach metaphors to your students?  I love to teach metaphors, similes, and all forms of figurative language to my students. It is important that students recognize the various forms of figurative language as they begin reading novels, and richer texts. Here are some tips to make teaching figurative language fun.

Fun Ways to Teach Metaphors and Figurative Language

Always teach figurative language in context.

Metaphors are beautiful when read in a poem. Hyperbole is better understood when taught through reading a tall tale. Trying to introduce figurative language on it’s own is difficult for children to understand.

Introduce elements of figurative language separately.

Make sure that you give students time to digest personification, before moving on to introduce hyperbole.

Encourage students to look for figurative language in their own independent reading.

Once the skill has been introduced it’s amazing how often students can find figurative language on their own. Students love being able to show the teacher examples of personification, once they know what it is.

Allow children time to write their own.

Once children begin reading similes, it’s fun for them to create their own. Be sure to incorporate their figurative language into their own writing.  When your students are done, be sure to put the figurative language they’ve created on display so that your students can continue learning from one another.

Fun Ways to Teach MetaphorsHave students create a project.

Once students have practiced a skill they enjoy showing it off.  Having students create a culminating art or drama project is perfect. I recently created a series of tall tale figurative language lessons that teach metaphors, similes, hyperbole, personification, and idioms.  It’s full of fun ways to teach metaphors, and the rest of figurative language.  Try my free Paul Bunyan and hyperbole lesson. Once the students have learned hyperbole they are able to create their own pop-up book. For tips on how I add fun to my history lessons, view this post.


Paul Bunyan Pop Up Book

Fun Ways to Teach Metaphors and Figurative Language
Reading Lessons
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